Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Barriers Of Communication

Generally there are two types of barrier in communication;

1) Physical Barriers
2) Psychological Barriers

Psychological barrier is further divided in following forms:
1) Semantic
2) Cultural
3) Limited experience
4) Rumor
5) Blind imitation

These types are defined as;

        It is a type of barrier in which the message doesn’t reach the destination. These barriers are literacy for printed material of messages, absence of electricity, Non-Availability of television or radio. Sometimes there’s a channel noise interfering with the fidelity of the physical transmission of an intended message.

         It is the type of the barrier in which the message does reach the destination but its meaning is misunderstood or misinterpreted. In one of these cases there are some psychological barriers between source and destination.
Further types are defined as;

         By semantic we mean the historical and psychological study and classification of changes in the significance of words or forms viewed as factors in linguistic development.

          The culture barrier plays a very vital role in marring the process of communication. In case a message, attitude or behavior is encoded in a peculiar medium of is highly possible to be misunderstood when decoded after it reach the destination, which doesn’t share the same medium of culture.

Limited Experience:
        Limited experience on the part of the source or the receiver results in the absences of providing desired effects and effective communication. This phenomenon is visible and is observed in the cultural gap between rural and urban people.

          Literally rumor means talk or opinion widely disseminated with no source or statement. Rumor has been described as a powerful barrier in a prospective process of communication.

Blind Imitation:
           Human beings are psychologically conditions by certain habits, prejudices and stereo type thinking which hinders the way of thinking

Download doc File HERE

Communication & its Process

    “Communication is the process in which the message moves from source to the destination”

Process of Communication:
 Process of communication consists of following factors;
1) Source
2) Encoding
3) Message 
4) Channel
        Channel has further following types;
         1) Time consuming (Radio)
         2) Space covering (Printed martial)
         3) Combination of time consuming
              and space covering (TV & Internet)
5) Receiver
6) Decoding
7) Feedback

All these factors are defined as below;
 A person who speaks or writes is called source. It may be individual or group of people.

 The sender giving physical form to one’s idea is known as encoding.

 The encoded idea of the sender is called message. It transmits from source to destination.

 It’s a medium which carries the message from the source to the receiver. There are three types of channels
                      Time consuming = Radio
                      Space covering = Printed Material
                      Both = TV & Internet

 The recipient of the message is called receiver.

 Decoding is the process of understanding the meaning of the message.

 The response of the receiver is called feedback. It completes the process of communication.

Download doc File HERE

Calculus Early Transcendentals 6e - James Stewart - Ebook Download

Author:       James Stewart 

ISBN-10:     049501169X 
ISBN-13:     978-0495011699 
Format:       E-Book PDF Format 
Publisher:    Thomson Learning 
Pub. Date:   2007 
Pages:          763


The art of teaching, Mark Van Doren said, is the art of assisting discovery. I have tried to write a book that assists students in discovering calculus—both for its practical power and its surprising beauty. In this edition, as in the first five editions, I aim to convey to the student a sense of the utility of calculus and develop technical competence, but I also strive to give some appreciation for the intrinsic beauty of the subject. Newton undoubtedly experienced a sense of triumph when he made his great discoveries. I want students to share some of that excitement.
The emphasis is on understanding concepts. I think that nearly everybody agrees that this should be the primary goal of calculus instruction. In fact, the impetus for the current calculus reform movement came from the Tulane Conference in 1986, which formulated as their first recommendation:
                    Focus on conceptual understanding.

I have tried to implement this goal through the Rule of Three: “Topics should be presented geometrically, numerically, and algebraically.” Visualization, numerical and graphical experimentation, and other approaches have changed how we teach conceptual reasoning in fundamental ways. More recently, the Rule of Three has been expanded to become the Rule of Four by emphasizing the verbal, or descriptive, point of view as well. In writing the sixth edition my premise has been that it is possible to achieve conceptual understanding and still retain the best traditions of traditional calculus. The book contains elements of reform, but within the context of a traditional curriculum.


Chapter 5:   INTEGRALS
Chapter 6:   INTEGRALS

Download HERE

Monday, March 30, 2009

Useful Calculus Formulas!!!

For more complex functions using the definition of the derivative Integration would be an almost impossible  task. Luckily for us we won’t have to use the definition terribly often. We will have to use it on occasion, however we have a large collection of formulas and properties that we can use to simplify our life considerably and will allow us to avoid using the definition whenever possible. We will introduce most of these formulas over the course of the next several sections. We will start in this section with some of the basic properties and formulas. We will give the properties and formulas in this section in both “prime” notation and “fraction” notation.

Differentiation Formulas:                                 Download HERE

Integration Formulas:                                       Download HERE

Area & Circle Formulas:                                    Download HERE

Trignometric Formulas:                                    Download HERE

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Calclus With Analytical Geometry - S.M Yousaf - Ebook

Calclus With Analytical Geometry

Author: S.M Yosaf ,Muhammad Amin

Edition : Seventh

Published By: Ilmi Kitab Khana

Composed By: Khurshid Composing

Format: PDF File Format


In the present edition a few topics has been incorporated. Some material has been rearranged. Motional changes have aslo been made. The book is being presented in a nre format for which the publishers deserve our deep gratitude and appreciation.

Table Of Contents:

1)  Real Numbers, Limits And Continuity

2) The Derivative

3) General Theorems, Indeterminate Forms

4) Techniques of Integration

5) The Definite Integral

6) Plane Curves 1

7) Plane Curves 2

8) Analytic Geometry Of Three Dimensions

9) Functions Of Several Variables

10) Mutiple Integrals

Download Below: (More Chapters Coming Soon)


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Visual Calclus 3.6 - Download Software

Developer: GraphNow  

Version: 3.6

Licence: Shareware

Size: 2.9MB

Web: graphnow.com

Use Visual Calculus to compute and graph limit, derivative, integral, 3D vector, partial derivative function, series, ODE etc.


1) Pre-calculus: functions, piecewise defined function, even and odd functions,     polynomials, rational functions, composition of functions, trigonometric functions, exponential functions, inverse of functions, logarithms, parametric functions, polar coordinate graphs, solving equations

2)  Calculus - Limits

3)  Calculus - Derivatives

4)  Calculus - Integral

5)  Calculus - Spatial vector geometry

6)  Calculus - Multivariate Functions

7)  Calculus - Series

8)  Calculus - ODE

9)  Table data graphs

10) Creating color map, contour plot and vector plot

11)  Ability to set and modify the properties of coordinate graphs, animations and table graphs

12)  Ability to move, zoom in, zoom out and rotate the graphs in plot area

13) Ability to save graphs as pgp file or bmp file

14) Ability to save animation as AVI file

15) Free Tools Expression Calculator

Download DEMO HERE

Computer Fundamentals - P.K Sinha (Lecture Notes)

Auther: P.K Sinha 
Paperback: 404 pages 
Publisher: BPB Publications 
Date: (November 30, 2004) 
ISBN-10: 8176567523 
ISBN-13: 978-8176567527

Description Of The Book:

This is the third edition of the widely popular Computer Fundamentals book. It has been thoughtfully structured to introduce the readers to all the important concepts of computers and information technology through a single book. Complete with numerous illustrations and examples, chapter summaries, end-of-chapter questions, and a glossary of important terms, Computer Fundamentals is designed to serve as an ideal textbook for various introductory courses offered in Computer Science, Information Technology, and other related areas.Readers will find sufficient coverage of all major topics in the field, including: Characteristics,Generations,Classification, and Basic Organization of computers.Number systems, Computer codes, Binary arithmetic, Boolean algebra, and Logic circuits.Internal structure and functioning of CPU, Memory, Secondary storage devices, and I/0 devices.Computer Software, its various types with examples, and the commonly used tools and techniques for planning, development, implementation and operation of software systems.Computer languages, Operating Systems, Data Communications & computer networks,and Database technologies.The Internet, Multimedia computing systems and their applications, and many more...

Table of contents:
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Basic computer organization
Chapter 3 Number systems
Chapter 4 Computer codes
Chapter 5 Computer arithmetic
Chapter 6 Boolean algebra and logic circuits
Chapter 7 Processor and memory
Chapter 8 Secondary storage devices
Chapter 9 Input-output devices
Chapter 10 Computer software
Chapter 11 Planning the computer program
Chapter 12 Computer languages
Chapter 13 Systems implementation and operation
Chapter 14 Operating systems 
Chapter 15 Application software packages
Chapter 16 Business data processing 
Chapter 17 Data communication and computer networks
Chapter 18 The Internet
Chapter 19 Multimedia
Chapter 20 Classification of computers
Chapter 21 Introduction to c programming language

Download Lecture Notes HERE

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Calc3D for Windows - Download

File: Calc3D 

Version: 0.14

License: Freeware

Developer: Andreas Greuer

Web: http://www.calc3d.com


Calc 3D is a program to calculate 3-dimensional vectors, matrices and complex numbers. 
It's able to do the standard calculations: 
Addition, Subtraction, Spatproduct, Skalarproduct, unit vector, Multiplication of two Vektoren or Matrices, Length of a vector, Crossprodukt (Vectorproduct),Angle between two vectors, Multiplikation of a number with a Vector or a Matrix

For objects like point, line, plane and sphere distances, intersections, volume, area of squeres, area of a triangle can be calculatet. Cartesian coordinates, spherical coordinates und cylindrical coordinates can be transformed into each other. 

Calc3D uses the formula parser from Holm Kirschgens. You can also write instead of numbers formulas.
for example: pi, Sin(pi/2), 4*5

Download HERE

Download Calc3D Pro 2.7  HERE

Casio FX-9860G SD Calculator - Emulator Download

Calculate in comfort using the FX-9860GSD graphic calculator and its Natural Display,eActivity, Spreadsheet

Features overview:

  * 64 kB RAM/1.5 MB flash ROM memory
  * Natural textbook display
  * Spreadsheet
  * eActivity
  * Extra-large, 8-line monochrome display
  * Over 1,000 technical-scientific functions
  * Easy to operate,function keys and user menu
  * Dynamic graphs
  * Graphs of inequations
  * Graphs of parametric functions
  * Graphs can be shown in a single coordinate system
  * Box and zoom function
  * Linking function from lists and list-based statistics
  * Various graphic functions
  * Value tables
  * Financial maths functions
  * Emulator included
  * Hard case


CHEMIX 3 - Integral Calculator Downoad

File: Chemix School 

Version: 3.0

Size: 1.3 MB

Developers: Arne Standnes

Web: www.standnes.no


CHEMIX School is an educational tool for learning chemistry. It is geared toward college-level chemistry, but is also appropriate for high-school students, chemists, and teachers. It is equipped with a periodic table containing history, 19 physical properties + number of stable isotopes, abundance, atomic mass, spin, resonance frequencies, relative receptivity, magnetic moment, quadropole moment and magnetogyric ratio for all stable isotopes. Also included are physical properties of more than 2500 unstable isotopes such as: atomic mass, half-life, decay modes, decay energy, particle energy, particle intensities,spin and magnetic moment including decay trees for 600 decays. It is also equipped with a molecular 3-D viewer, calculator, curve fit, function plot, data manipulation, derivatives, definite integrals for one and two funcions, ternary phase diagram plotter, binary phase diagram plotter, trend plots of physical/chemical properties of the elements, spline interpolation, conversion table (temperature, pressure, energy, power, lenght and mass), solubility chart for inorganic compunds used in inorganic analysis, dictionary, and advanced calculators for molecules (Mol, mass and mass%), thermochemistry , electrochemistry, weak acid/base/buffers, acid-base indicators table, solubility (Ksp) and common ion effect calculator, gas equations, spectroscopy assignment tool (NMR H[1] C[13], IR and MS) and stoichiometry (chemical equation balancer that also balances chemical equations containing free electrons). Ability to insert colors and angled text in graphics. 

More it has a powerful calculator which calculates lot of functions, find integrals and have a ability to recognize a expression.

Download HERE

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Boolean Calculator 2- Software Download

Developer:Monkeybread Software 
Size:0.99 MB
OS: Windows/Mac
Binary Format: Universal Binary
Category: Scientific

Boolean Calculator is a simple utility for technical informatics on university. If you enter a formula like "a and b and (not c)" it will show you a table where you can observe on which boolean combination of a, b and c the term is true.

What's NEW in Version 2:
· Supports shortcuts: "&" for "and", "|" for "or", "!" for "not", "1" for "true" and "0" for "false".
· You can have as many variables of any name with only characters.
· Sorry, but xor is not a supported keyword in Realbasic.

Download HERE

Calculus 5TH Edition Schaums Outline - Ebook

Subtitle:                Calculus

ISBN:             9780071508612 

Author:           Ayres, Frank, Mendelson, Elliott 
Publisher:        McGraw-Hill 
Subject:          Calculus 
Copyright:       2009 
Series:            Schaum's Outline Series 
Publish Date:   August 2008 
Grade Level:    College/higher education: 
Language:       English 
Pages:            534
Format:           PDF
Size:               4.05 MB

Table of Contents
Schaum's Outline of Calculus, 5ed 

1. Linear Coordinate Systems. Absolute Value. Inequalities.
2. Rectangular Coordinate Systems
3. Lines
4. Circles
5. Equations and their Graphs
6. Functions
7. Limits
8. Continuity
9. The Derivative
10. Rules for Differentiating Functions
11. Implicit Differentiation
12. Tangent and Normal Lines
13. Law of the Mean. Increasing and Decreasing Functions
14. Maximum and Minimum Values
15. Curve Sketching. Concavity. Symmetry.
16. Review of Trigonometry
17. Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions
18. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
19. Rectilinear and Circular Motion
20. Related Rates
21. Differentials. Newton's Method
22. Antiderivatives
23. The Definite Integral. Area under a Curve
24. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
25. The Natural Logarithm
26. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
27. L'Hopital's Rule
28. Exponential Growth and Decay
29. Applications of Integration I: Area and Arc Length
30. Applications of Integration II: Volume
31. Techniques of Integration I: Integration by Parts
32. Techniques of Integration II: Trigonometric Integrands and Trigonometric Substitutions
33. Techniques of Integration III: Integration by Partial Fractions
34. Techniques of Integration IV: Miscellaneous Substitutions
35. Improper Integrals
36. Applications of Integration III: Area of a Surface of Revolution
37. Parametric Representation of Curves
38. Curvature
39. Plane Vectors
40. Curvilinear Motion
41. Polar Coordinates
42. Infinite Sequences
43. Infinite Series
44. Series with Positive Terms. The Integral Test. Comparison Tests
45. Alternating Series. Absolute and Conditional Convergence. The Ratio Test
46. Power Series
47. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Taylor's Formulas with Remainder
48. Partial Derivatives
49. Total Differential. Differentiability. Chain Rules
50. Space Vectors
51. Surfaces and Curves in Space
52. Directional Derivatives. Maximum and Minimum Values.
53. Vector Differentiation and Integration
54. Double and Iterated Integrals
55. Centroids and Moments of Inertia of Plane Areas
56. Double Integration Applied to Volume under a Surface and the Area of a Curved Surface
57. Triple Integrals

58. Masses of Variable Density
59. Differential Equations of First and Second Order

Download In PDF Format HERE

Friday, March 20, 2009

Schaum's Outline of Vector Analysis - Ebook Download

Author:            Spiegel; Murray Spiegel
Publisher:        MCGRAW-HILL
ISBN:               9780070602281
Publish date:  June 1968
Format:            PDF
Size:                 15 MB


Introducing to students the vector analysis, this title presents different kinds of equations and natural aid for forming internal pictures of physical and geometrical thoughts. It is good for students of the physical sciences and of physics, mechanics, electromagnetic theory, aerodynamics, and many other fields.

This book introduces students to vector analysis, a concise way of presenting certain kinds of equations and a natural aid for forming mental pictures of physical and geometrical ideas. Students of the physical sciences and of physics, mechanics, electromagnetic theory, aerodynamics and a number of other fields will find this a rewarding and practical treatment of vector analysis. Key points are made memorable with the hundreds of problems with step-by-step solutions, and many review questions with answers.

Table of contents:

Vector algebra 
Laws of vector algebra 
Unit vectors 
Rectangular unit vectors 
Components of a vector 
Scalar fields 
Vector fields 
The Dot and Cross Product 16 (19) 
Dot or scalar products 
Cross or vector products 
Triple products Reciprocal sets of vectors 
Vector Differentiation 35 (22) 
Ordinary derivatives of vectors 
Space curves 
Continuity and differentiability 
Differentiation formulas 
Partial derivatives of vectors 
Differentials of vectors 
Differential geometry 
Gradient, Divergence and Curl 57 (25) 
The Vector differential operator del 
Formulas involving del 
Vector Integration 82 (24) 
Ordinary integrals of vectors 
Line integrals 
Surface integrals 
Volume integrals 
The Divergence Theorem, Stokes' Theorem, and 106(29) 
Related Integral Theorems 
The divergence theorem of Gauss 
Stokes' theorem 
Green's theorem in the plane 
Related integral theorems 
Integral operator form for del 
Curvilinear Coordinates 135(31) 
Transformation of coordinates 
Orthogonal curvilinear coordinates 
Unit vectors in curvilinear systems 
Arc length and volume elements 
Gradient, divergence and curl 
Special orthogonal coordinate systems 
Cylindrical coordinates 
Spherical coordinates 
Parabolic cylindrical coordinates 
Paraboloidal coordinates 
Elliptic cylindrical coordinates 
Prolate spheroidal coordinates 
Oblate spheroidal coordinates 
Ellipsoidal coordinates 
Bipolar coordinates 
Tensor Analysis 166(52) 
Physical laws, Spaces of N dimensions 
Coordinate transformations 
The summation convention 
Contravariant and covariant vectors 
Contravariant, Covariant and mixed tensors 
The Kronecker delta 
Tensors of rank greater than two 
Scalars or invariants 
Tensor fields 
Symmetric and skew-symmetric tensors 
Fundamental operations with tensors 
Matrix algebra 
The line element and metric tensor 
Conjugate or reciprocal tensors 
Associated tensors 
Length of a vector 
Angle between vectors 
Physical components 
Christoffel's symbols 
Transformation laws of Christoffel's symbols 
Covariant derivatives 
Permutation symbols and tensors 
Tensor form of gradient, divergence and curl 
The intrinsic or absolute derivative 
Relative and absolute tensors 
Index 218

Download HERE in PDF format

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thomas Calculus 11e + Solution + Ebook Download

Author: George B. Thomas, Maurice D. Weir, Joel Hass, Frank R. Giordano

Paperback: 1380 pages

Publisher: Addison Wesley

ISBN-10: 0321185587

ISBN-13: 978-0321185587

File Format: PDF

File Size: 39.7 MB

 The new edition of Thomas is a return to what Thomas has always been: the book with the best exercises. For the 11th edition, the authors have added exercises cut in the 10th edition, as well as, going back to the classic 5th and 6th editions for additional exercises and examples. The book’s theme is that Calculus is about thinking; one cannot memorize it all. The exercises develop this theme as a pivot point between the lecture in class, and the understanding that comes with applying the ideas of Calculus. In addition, the table of contents has been refined to match the standard syllabus. Many of the examples have been trimmed of distractions and rewritten with a clear focus on the main ideas. The authors have also excised extraneous information in general and have made the technology much more transparent. The ambition of Thomas 11e is to teach the ideas of Calculus so that students will be able to apply them in new and novel ways, first in the exercises but ultimately in their careers. Every effort has been made to insure that all content in the new edition reinforces thinking and encourages deep understanding of the material.

Table of Contents

1. Preliminaries:

Real Numbers and the Real Line.
Lines, Circles, and Parabolas.
Functions and Their Graphs.
Identifying Functions; Mathematical Models.
Combining Functions; Shifting and Scaling Graphs.
Trigonometric Functions.
Graphing with Calculators and Computers.

2. Limits and Derivatives:
Rates of Change and Limits.
Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws.
Precise Definition of a Limit.
One-Sided Limits and Limits at Infinity.
Infinite Limits and Vertical Asymptotes.
Tangents and Derivatives.

3. Differentiation:
The Derivative as a Function.
Differentiation Rules.
The Derivative as a Rate of Change.
Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions.
The Chain Rule and Parametric Equations.
Implicit Differentiation.
Related Rates.
Linearization and Differentials.

4. Applications of Derivatives:
Extreme Values of Functions.
The Mean Value Theorem.
Monotonic Functions and the First Derivative Test.
Concavity and Curve Sketching.
Applied Optimization Problems.
Indeterminate Forms and L'Hopital's Rule.
Newton's Method.

5. Integration:
Estimating with Finite Sums.
Sigma Notation and Limits of Finite Sums.
The Definite Integral.
The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Indefinite Integrals and the Substitution Rule.
Substitution and Area Between Curves.

6. Applications of Definite Integrals:
Volumes by Slicing and Rotation About an Axis.
Volumes by Cylindrical Shells.
Lengths of Plane Curves.
Moments and Centers of Mass.
Areas of Surfaces of Revolution and The Theorems of Pappus.
Fluid Pressures and Forces.

7. Transcendental Functions:
Inverse Functions and their Derivatives.
Natural Logarithms.
The Exponential Function.
ax and loga x.
Exponential Growth and Decay.
Relative Rates of Growth.
Inverse Trigonometric Functions.
Hyperbolic Functions.

8. Techniques of Integration:
Basic Integration Formulas.
Integration by Parts.
Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions.
Trigonometric Integrals.
Trigonometric Substitutions.
Integral Tables and Computer Algebra Systems.
Numerical Integration.
Improper Integrals.

9. Further Applications of Integration:
Slope Fields and Separable Differential Equations.
First-Order Linear Differential Equations.
Euler's Method.
Graphical Solutions of Autonomous Equations.
Applications of First-Order Differential Equations.

10. Conic Sections and Polar Coordinates:
Conic Sections and Quadratic Equations .
Classifying Conic Sections by Eccentricity.
Quadratic Equations and Rotations.
Conics and Parametric Equations; The Cycloid.
Polar Coordinates .
Graphing in Polar Coordinates.
Area and Lengths in Polar Coordinates.
Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates.

11. Infinite Sequences and Series:
Infinite Series.
The Integral Test.
Comparison Tests.
The Ratio and Root Tests.
Alternating Series, Absolute and Conditional Convergence.
Power Series.
Taylor and Maclaurin Series.
Convergence of Taylor Series; Error Estimates.
Applications of Power Series.
Fourier Series.

12. Vectors and the Geometry of Space:
Three-Dimensional Coordinate Systems.
The Dot Product.
The Cross Product.
Lines and Planes in Space.
Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces .

13. Vector-Valued Functions and Motion in Space:
Vector Functions.
Modeling Projectile Motion.
Arc Length and the Unit Tangent Vector T.
Curvature and the Unit Normal Vector N.
Torsion and the Unit Binormal Vector B.
Planetary Motion and Satellites.

14. Partial Derivatives:
Functions of Several Variables.
Limits and Continuity in Higher Dimensions.
Partial Derivatives.
The Chain Rule.
Directional Derivatives and Gradient Vectors.
Tangent Planes and Differentials.
Extreme Values and Saddle Points.
Lagrange Multipliers.
*Partial Derivatives with Constrained Variables.
Taylor's Formula for Two Variables.

15. Multiple Integrals:
Double Integrals.
Areas, Moments and Centers of Mass*.
Double Integrals in Polar Form.
Triple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates.
Masses and Moments in Three Dimensions.
Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates.
Substitutions in Multiple Integrals.

16. Integration in Vector Fields:
Line Integrals.
Vector Fields, Work, Circulation, and Flux.
Path Independence, Potential Functions, and Conservative Fields.
Green's Theorem in the Plane.
Surface Area and Surface Integrals.
Parametrized Surfaces.
Stokes' Theorem.
The Divergence Theorem and a Unified Theory.

Mathematical Induction.
Proofs of Limit Theorems.
Commonly Occurring Limits .
Theory of the Real Numbers.
Complex Numbers.
The Distributive Law for Vector Cross Products.
Determinants and Cramer's Rule.
The Mixed Derivative Theorem and the Increment Theorem.
The Area of a Parallelogram's Projection on a Plane.

Download Thomas Calculus 11e                      HERE

Download Thomas Calculus 11e(Solution)         Link1  Link2

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pascal's Triangle - An Overview!


Pascal's triangle is a geometric arrangement of the binomial coefficients in a triangle. Pascal's Triangle is named after Blaise Pascal in much of the western world, although other mathematicians studied it centuries before him in India, Persia, China, and Italy.but Blaise Pascal was the first person to discover the importance of all of the patterns it contained.


At the tip of Pascal's Triangle is the number 1, which makes up the zeroth row. The first row (1 & 1) contains two 1's, both formed by adding the two numbers above them to the left and the right, in this case 1 and 0 (all numbers outside the Triangle are 0's). Do the same to create the 2nd row: 0+1=1; 1+1=2; 1+0=1. And the third: 0+1=1; 1+2=3; 2+1=3; 1+0=1. In this way, the rows of the triangle go on infinitly. A number in the triangle can also be found by nCr (n Choose r) where n is the number of the row and r is the element in that row. For example, in row 3, 1 is the zeroth element, 3 is element number 1, the next three is the 2nd element, and the last 1 is the 3rd element. The formula for nCr is:


Now you can easily search for the right code for C++, from Google. Hope this would help u in assignments.

100 Sample C Programs!!!

1. Program to print text
2. Program To Read Two Numbers And Print The Sum Of Given Two Numbers.
3. Program To Accept Student Roll No, Marks in 3 Subjects and Calculate Total, Average and Print it.
4.Program To Read Three Numbers And Print The Biggest Of Given Three Numbers
5.Program To Read A Number And Find Whether The Given Number Is Even Or Odd.
6.Program to accept a year and check whether the given year IS leap year or not.
7.Individual Digits
8. Program to accept a three digit number and print the sum of individual digits.
9. Program to accept a number and check the given number is Armstrong or not.
10. Program to print ODD numbers from 1 to 10
11. Program to print natural numbers from 1 to 10 in Reverse
12. Program to print sum of the natural numbers from 1 to 10.
13. Program to accept a number and print mathematical table of the given no.
14. Program to print 1 to 10 mathematical tables .
15. Program to print fibonacci series .
16. Program to print numeric pyramid
17. Program to print numerical pyramid.
18. Program to print numerical diamond.
19. Program to print character pyramid.
20. Program to print character diamond.
21. Program to find biggest of two no by using ternary numbers
22. Program to find biggest of four no by using ternary numbers
23. Program to print smallest of four no by using ternary operators
24. Program to accept a year and check the given year is leap or not by using ternary
25. Program to accept a character in the uppercase and print in lower case.
26. Program to accept a character in any case and print in another case.
27. Program to natural number from 1 to 10 by using while loop.
28. Program to accept a string and print it by using the while loop.
29. Program to accept a string in upper case and print it by lower case.
30. Program to accept a string in any case and print
it by another case .
31. Program to accept a string print each word in new line.
32. Program to accept a string and count no of capital letters, no. of small letters and no. of special characters
33. Program to accept any single digit number and print it in words .
34. Program to print prime numbers between 1 to 100
35. Program to accept two numbers and print sum of two numbers by using functions
36. Program to accept a number and find factorial of given number
37. Program to accept a number and check the given number Armstrong or not
38. Program to accept a number and print the sum of given and Reverse number
39. Program to accept 10 numbers and print first five numbers in original order and print last five numbers in reverse order.
40. Program to accept a string and print the reverse of the given string by using for loop.
41. Program to accept a string and check the given string is palindrome or not .
42.Program to accept values into 3 dimensional array and print .
43. Program to print upper triangle .
44. Program to accept two 3 dimensional array and store addition of those into arrays into the third array .
45. Program to accept a string and find the length of the given string by using functions
46. Program to count the number of words, characters, alphabets, vowels, consonants and digit in a line of text.
47. Program to accept two string and compare the strings are equal or not
48. Program to sort the entered numbers using bubble sort.
49. Program to read date,month, year and print the next day’s date,month,year.
50. Program to interchange two values using pointers.
51. Program to print “PASCAL TRIANGLE”.
52. Program to check whether a given number is perfect or not.
53. Program to check whether a given number is prime number.
54. Program to read ‘n’ number and print them in matrix terms in all orders.
55. Program to search an element using binary search
56. Program to accept two numbers and print the sum of given two numbers by using pointers
57. Programs to multiply two Matrices
58. Program to print prime number between 1-100
59. Program to accept a string and find the length of the string
60. Program to fibanocci of matrix
61. Program a structure which reads ‘n’ students information (name,3 subjects marks) and calculate total marks, result print them in a particular format.
62. Program to find whether a square matrix is a) symmetric b) skew symmetric c) none of two.
63. Program to find area of a triangle when there sides are given.
64. Program to print Armstrong number between 1-500.
65. Program to check whether a given number is Armstrong or not.
66. Program to print the floyd’s triangle.
67. Program to read data in 3 structures and print
68. Program to print a diagonal matrix.
69. Program to copy contents of one file into another.
70. Program to create a file of number and copy odd number into second file and even number into third file.
71. Program a structure which stores information about hotels which stores information about name, grade, room change, no of rooms.
72. Program which does the below process after reading on odd no of integer.
73. Program to sort the entered elements using selection sort technique.
74. Program to find whether a number is divisible by ‘11’ or not without actual division.
75. Program to find maximum and minimum of entered ’n’ number using arrays.
76. Program to print the following series until there sum exceeds 2.6 term value exceeds 1.5x+x2/2!+x3/3!+------------.
77. Program to print a frequency distribution table for a class of 20-students in the following format. The marks range form 1-25.
78. Program to accept values into an array and print array in reverse and original format by using three different functions.
79. Program to accept values into single dimensional array and print the array in reverse by using pointers.
80. Program to read a string and print the number of characters in each word of the string.
81. Program to accept two strings and compare those two strings
82. Program to accept a string using pointers and functions.
83.Program to read a string and print the first two characters of each word in the string.
84.Program to accept two numbers and print the sum of given two numbers by using pointers
85.Program to accept a string and print reverse of the given string by using functions.
86. Program to accept two 3 dimensional array and store subtraction of those two arrays into third array..
87.Program to accept a single dimensional array and print them by using pointers
88.Program to accept two strings and biggest among them
89.Program to print 4 dimentional matrix with
constant number.
90.Prongram to accept a string and print each word in reverse
91. Program to accept elements into single dimensional array and print the array in ascending order by using three different arrays.
92.Program to accept data and store the given data into file print the data.
93. Program to accept data in lower case and store the given data into file into upper case and print the data.
94.Program to copy contents of one file into another.
95. Program to create a file of numbers and copy odd number into second file and even number into third file
96.Program to accept a string in lower case and print first character of each word in upper case.
97.Program to accept two numbers and interchange two values using functions.
98.Program for example of static variable.
99.Program to accept a string and print by trailing spaces.
100. Program to print anti diagonal.

Download HERE in PDF Format              More Program codes coming Soon!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Distinction Between Beliefs Attitudes And Values?

Beliefs are the assumptions we make about ourselves, about others in the world and about how we expect things to be. Beliefs are about how we think things really are. Beliefs tend to be deep set and our values stem from our beliefs

Values are about how we have learnt to think things ought to be or people ought to behave, especially in terms of qualities such as honesty, integrity and openness which when people are asked what are their values tend to be the main values.

Attitudes are the established ways of responding to people and situations that we have learned, based on the beliefs, values and assumptions we hold. How we respond to situation and our behaviour can reflect our attitude. However we can control our behaviour in away that does not reflect our beliefs and values. Which in order to embrace a diverse culture and behaviours as a successful manager we have to adapt out behaviour in a positive manner. 

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude"
                                                                                                             Thomas Jefferson

There is a difference between beliefs values and attitude however they are all linked. Our beliefs and values can have an impact on our attitude and behaviour. However we can use emotional intelligence to have a positive attitude and adjust our behaviour in situations.

For instance in my innovation report about the flu vaccination I am personally not convinced that the vaccination works which forms the basis of my beliefs and values. However in the work situation as I am responsible for the success of the programme I have positive attitude towards the vaccination programme to a point that I have the vaccination myself. I do not have a choice in being the lead for the vaccination programme which in a sense goes against Kotters 2nd step. However due to my positive attitude and me wanting the programme to be a success. Then whatever may happens, it would be a succuss. Thats how your positive atitude and positive thinking works and changes your life in every aspect.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Anthony-Robbins - Awaken The Giant Within

Awaken the Giant Within
Written by Anthony Robbins 
Publisher - Free Press
First published in 1992
ISBN - 0671791540
"Awaken the Giant Within" - How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! was written by Anthony Robbins back in 1992. It is 544 pages of the man's motivational techniques and self help tips. Awaken the Giant Within covers a wide range of topics, from goal setting, to Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), personal finance, and relationships. 

The book comes across as fast paced and entertaining, just like he is on his many infomercials. It covers a lot of material, with much of it requiring you to make positive changes and work on yourself. So it is probably best skimmed, before going back to chapters that relate most to your life.

Robbins uses a lot of techniques that are either influenced by or are taken from the pseudoscientific principles of Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). But Awaken the Giant Within is more than a book derived from NLP, it is a manual for life. If one technique or chapter does not work for you, there are plenty more in the book that can. 

Anthony Robbins has copped plenty of criticisms for his infomercials, his personal life, and his high priced seminars, but Awaken the Giant Within is a self help classic. 

Awaken the Giant Within Book Quotes
"After making a true decision, even a tough one, most of us feel a tremendous amount of relief. We've finally gotten off the fence! And we all know how great it feels to have a clear, unquestionable objective." Tony Robbins

"The truth is that we can learn to condition our minds, bodies, and emotions to link pain or pleasure to whatever we choose. By changing what we link pain and pleasure to, we instantly change our behaviors." Tony Robbins

"The past doesn't equal the future. All great leaders, all people who have achieved in any area of life, know the power of continuously pursuing their vision, even if all the details of how to achieve it aren't yet available." Tony Robbins 

Awaken the Giant Within Book Contents

Part One - Unleash Your Power
Part Two - Taking Control, The Master System
Part Three - The Seven Days to Shape Your Life
Part Four - A Lesson in Destiny