The book is primarily for University students on a Programming or SW Eng courses. It is for this reason, I suppose, that each of the 12 chapters has 3 or 4 pages of exercises. There are no answers. This may be OK where there is a lecturer around to check one's answers but for the rest of us there should be some answers otherwise it is 40 odd pages wasted.
There is a lot of comparison between C++ and ANSI C. It appears that the author assumes that one will be converting from C. Though programmers proficient in other languages should have little trouble with this and will pick up ANSI C as well.
The book starts with an OOP/C++ overview that introduces, in passing, many topics covered in later chapters. This gives a good grounding in the philosophy of C++ that is subtly different to C in many places.
Forward referencing continues through the book as it works its way through C++/C: Objects, classes, polymorphism, inheritance, exceptions etc. This is one reason why it is not suitable for novices. Experienced programmers will not be put off by an example program on page 11 containing classes and functions many chapters before a full explanation of classes. The style is terse and authoritative.
The final section discusses OOP in the wider context of current programming trends and other languages. Methodologies are discussed though not in great detail. The last 100 pages are a concise C++ language guide that is a useful reference. This guide takes AT&T C++ R3.0 into account.
The short programs in the book have little annotation but where explanation is required it is in shaded boxes following the program. This makes the programs clear and easy to type in. There is no support disk available. Several programs run through the book to show different techniques for the same problem.
An interesting note in the introduction assures us that "All major pieces of code were tested." This is reassuring but should be the norm not the exception that requires comment. Other authors please take note. There is no indication as to the platform used but I suspect that it was UNIX/GNU C++.
Conclusion: A good set book for students. Lecturers should look at this book for the second year OOP/SW Eng courses. Useful for converting from C (or any other language) to C++ for other programmers. Not for novices as a first OOP/C++ book.
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