Thursday, August 20, 2009

Computing for Numerical Methods Using Visual C++

Computing for Numerical Methods Using Visual C++ 
Shaharuddin Salleh, Albert Y. Zomaya, Sakhinah A. Bakar 
ISBN: 978-0-470-12795-7
448 pages
January 2008

Computing for Numerical Methods Using Visual C++ fills the need for a complete, authoritative book on the visual solutions to problems in numerical methods using C++. The book takes an interdisciplinary approach to the subject and demonstrates how solving problems in numerical methods using C++ is dominant and practical for implementation due to its flexible language format, object-oriented methodology, and support for high numerical precisions.

Chapter 1: Overview of C++. 
Language style and organization. 
Data types, variables. 
Loops and branches. 
Array, pointer, function, structure. 
Classes and objects. 
Inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation. 
Complexity analysis. 

Chapter 2: Visual C++ Methods. 
MFC library . 
Fundamental interface tools. 
Text displays. 
Graphics and images. 
Writing the first program. 

Chapter 3: Fundamental Mathematical Tools. 
C++ for High-Performance Computing. 
Dynamic memory allocation. 
Allocation for one-dimensional arrays. 
Allocation for higher-dimensional arrays. 
Case Study: Matrix multiplication problem. 
Matrix elimination problems. 
Vector and matrix norms. 
Row operations. 
Matrix reduction to triangular form. 
Computing the determinant of a matrix. 
Computing the inverse of a matrix. 
Matrix algebra. 
Data passing between functions. 
Matrix addition and subtraction. 
Matrix multiplication. 
Matrix inverse. 
Putting the pieces together. 
Algebra of complex numbers. 
Addition and subtraction. 
Inverse of a complex number. 
Putting the pieces together. 
Number Sorting. 
Programming Exercises. 

Chapter 4: System of Linear Equations. 
Systems of Linear Systems. 
Existence of Solutions. 
Elimination Techniques. 
Gauss Elimination Method. 
Gauss Elimination with Partial Pivoting. 
Gauss-Jordan Method. 
LU Factorization Techniques. 
Crout Method. 
Doolittle Method. 
Cholesky Method. 
Thomas Algorithm. 
Iterative Techniques. 
Jacobi Method. 
Gauss-Seidel Method. 
Visual C++ Solution Interface. 
Programming Exercises. 

Chapter 5: Nonlinear Equations. 
Iterative methods: convergence, stability. 
Background: existence of solution, MVT, errors, etc.. 
Bisection method. 
False-point position method. 
Newton method. 
Secant method. 
Fixed-point iterative method. 
Visual C++ Solution Interface. 
Programming Exercises. 

Chapter 6: Interpolation and Approximation. 
Concepts, existence, stability. 
Newton methods: forward, backward. 
Stirling method. 
Cubic spline interpolation. 
Least-square approximation. 
Visual C++ Solution Interface. 
Programming Exercises. 

Chapter 7: Differentiation and Integration. 
Taylor series. 
Newton methods (forward, backward, central). 
Trapezium method. 
Simpson method. 
Simpson 3/8 method. 
Gauss quadrature. 
Visual C++ Solution Interface. 
Programming Exercises. 

Chapter 8: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. 
Characteristic polynomials. 
Power method. 
Power method with shifting. 
Visual C++ Solution Interface. 
Programming Exercises. 

Chapter 9: Ordinary Differential Equations. 
Existence, uniqueness, stability, convergence. 
IVP: Taylor method. 
Euler method. 
Runge-Kutta of order 2 method. 
Runge-Kutta of order 4 method. 
Higher dimensional orders. 
Multistep methods: Adams-Bashforth method. 
Boundary Value Problems: finite-difference method. 
Visual C++ Solution Interface. 
Programming Exercises. 

Chapter 10: Partial Differential Equations. 
Existence, uniqueness, stability, convergence. 
Elliptic problem: Laplace equation. 
Elliptic problem: Poisson equation. 
Parabolic problem: heat equation. 
Hyperbolic problem: wave equation. 
Visual C++ Solution Interface. 
Programming Exercises. 

Chapter 11: Finite Element Methods. 
One-dimensional heat problem. 
Linear approximation. 
Quadratic approximation. 
Two-dimensional problem: triangulation method.
Visual C++ Solution Interface. 
Programming Exercises


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A+ Certification For Dummies, 2nd Edition

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd.
2nd Edition edition (May 1 2001)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0764508121
ISBN-13: 978-0764508127

The Computer Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) A+ certification proves that you’re a capable hardware technician, capable of upgrading, troubleshooting, and fixing problems related to physical devices (such as memory chips and video cards) in Intel-compatible personal computers. A+ Certification for Dummies is designed to help you review for the two A+ exams–Core Hardware (220-201) and Operating System Technologies (220-202)–and it succeeds at that goal. It’s also worth reading if you’re not interested in A+ certification, but want to know enough to change out your own hard drives and install expansion cards without the help of a technician.

Download HERE

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Accelerated C++ Practical Programming by Example - Ebook

Auther: Andrew Koenig, Babara E.Moo
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Publication: 2000, 
Language: English 
ISBN: 9780201703535
Pages: 336


If you don’t have a lot of time, but still want to learn the latest in C++, you don’t have to learn C first. You might learn more by digging into current language features and classes from the very beginning. That’s the approach that’s offered by Accelerated C++, a text that delves into more advanced C++ features like templates and Standard Template Library (STL) collection classes early on. This book arguably can get a motivated beginning programmer into C++ more quickly than other available tutorials.
What separates this title from the rest of the pack is that it jumps right in with samples that take advantage of the Standard C++ of today–from streams to built-in container classes, such as vectors and linked lists. Early examples are more complex than in other books, but the thoroughness and relaxed pace of the explanations will bring the novice up to speed. (Although it ships at a slender 350 pages, Accelerated C++ is packed with samples, tips, and example problems; about 10 per chapter.)
After a tour of basic C++, the book looks at more advanced C++ features, such as templates, including built-in support for containers. Besides tapping the strength of Standard C++, you also will learn to design with your own templates. (Other tutorials would defer this material until later on.) The authors have tested the approach in the book in their own teaching, and honed a set of worthwhile examples that will help anyone get familiar with these powerful language features. All examples make use of the command line and console (without GUI programs), but the advantage is that this code should run on any of today’s operating systems and compilers. Later sections cover the basics of class design, which include good coverage of operator overloading and inheritance.
With its innovative approach to teaching the language, Accelerated C++ will challenge readers in the right way. It suggests that you don’t need to learn C to be productive in C++. Written in an approachable style, it deserves a close look from any C++ novice. –Richard Dragan
Topics covered:Introduction to C++Console I/O with stream classesBasic string handlingLoop and flow-control statementsArraysUsing functions and methodsUsing Standard Template Library (STL) containers (vectors, linked lists, and maps)IteratorsSorting and generic functionsBasic class designPointers and arraysFile I/OMemory-management techniques, including statically and dynamically allocated memoryAdding stream support to custom classesConversion operatorsOperator overloadingFriend functionsInheritancePolymorphism and virtual functionsHandle idioms for classes, including reference countingQuick reference to the C++ language
Book DescriptionWhy is Accelerated C++ so effective? Because it
*Starts with the most useful concepts rather than the most primitive ones: You can begin writing programs immediately.*Describes real problems and solutions, not just language features: You see not only what each feature is, but also how to use it.*Covers the language and standard library together: You can use the library right from the start.
The authors proved this approach in their professional-education course at Stanford University, where students learned how to write substantial programs on their first day in the classroom.

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Naked Face : A Novel By Sidney Sheldon

Publisher: Grand Central  
Publishing (August 7, 1985) 
ISBN-10: 0446341916 
Language: ENG  
PDF Size: 926.1 KB  
Pages: 320 Pages

Judd Stevens is a psychoanalyst. The people he sees are very disturbed with the exception of one patient, Anne, who won't get to the bottom of her problems. In the opening of the book, one of his patients leaves his office wearing Judd's raincoat and gets stabbed in the back. Shortly after that, his secretary is murdered in his office after hours. The homicide detective assigned to the case believes that Judd is actually guilty of the murders and begins to try to slant the evidence against Judd.

DOWNLOAD PDF HERE           LINK1              LINK2

Excel 2007 Workbook For Dummies Sep 2007 - ebook

Title of ebook: Excel 2007 For Dummies 
ISBN: 9780470107539
parent-ISBN: 9780470037379
Publisher: For Dummies
Internet download file size: 15838 kb
Pages: 384
Published: 01-2007 
Released online for download: 01-06-2007
Author of eBook: Harvey PhD, Greg

eBOOK Description:

Confused by Excel? Want to make the most of its capabilities? No worries - this hands-on workbook gets you up to speed in a step-by-step manner. From navigating the new user interface and creating your first spreadsheet to using formulas, working with charts and graphics, managing and securing data, and creating macros, you'll do it all with the help of practice files and more than 30 walk-throughs of Excel features on the CD-ROM. Plus, you get full coverage of all the new and enhanced features of Excel 2007!

See how to
-Set up, format, and edit basic spreadsheets
-Manage and secure your Excel data
-Create formulas and functions for finance, date and time, math, text, and more
-Master data analysis with pivot tables
-Save and share your spreadsheet data
-Quick refresher explanations
-Step-by-step procedures
-Hands-on practice exercises
-Tear-out Cheat Sheet
-A dash of humor and fun

Download HERE

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bass Guitar For Dummies - Ebook

Bass Guitar For Dummies 
Patrick Pfeiffer, Will Lee (Foreword by) 
ISBN:           978-0-7645-2487-5
Pages:         360 pages
Realeased: July 2003

Size:            3 MB 

Shake the earth with deep, sonorous vibrations. Be the force that relentlessly drives the music. Rumble like the ominous thunder of an approaching storm. For you, it's not enough just to be heard; you need to be felt, too. You need to play bass guitar. 

Imagine your favorite music without bass. It doesn't work, does it? The bass is the heartbeat of the music, the foundation of the groove, and the glue that holds together all the different instruments. You can feel the vibrations of the low notes – sometimes subtle and caressing, sometimes literally earthshaking – as they propel the song. The bass is the heart. So leave center stage to the other musicians – you have more important work to do. The limelight may be cool, but bassists rule! 

You can find everything you need to dominate the bass in Bass Guitar For Dummies – whether you're a beginner picking up a bass for the first time or an experienced player looking for way to improve. And you won't drown in complicated music theory, either; this easy-to-understand reference gives you just enough music theory to get you on your way. 

Bass Guitar For Dummies includes the following topics and more: 
Exploring the anatomy of a bass guitar 
Getting started: Holding your bass, positioning your hands, and striking notes 
Reading bass notation and understanding chords, scales, and octaves 
Creating a groove and playing solos and fills 
Examining different bass-playing styles, from rock and funk to blues and reggae 
Caring for your bass: Cleaning, changing strings, and so on 
Buying your own bass and accessories 
Top Ten lists on bassists you should know about 

Bass Guitar For Dummies also comes with a CD that includes audio clips of all the examples in the book. 

So put away the air bass guitar and get yourself the real thing. With the help of Bass Guitar For Dummies, you'll be groovin' in your own band in no time!

Table Of Contents:


Part I: The World According to Bass. 
Chapter 1: Bass Bass-ics: What Is the Meaning of Bass? 
Chapter 2: Getting the Tools and Skills to Play. 
Chapter 3: Reading, ’Riting, and Rhythm. 

Part II: The Bass-ics of Playing. 
Chapter 4: Warming Up: Getting Your Hands in Shape to Play. 
Chapter 5: Understanding Major and Minor Structures. 

Part III: Making the Moves, Creating the Grooves. 
Chapter 6: Expanding the Range: Going for the Second Octave. 
Chapter 7: Creating the Groove. 
Chapter 8: Going Solo: Playing Solos and Fills. 

Part IV: Using the Correct Accompaniment for Each Style. 
Chapter 9: Rock On! Getting Down with the Rock Styles. 
Chapter 10: Swing It! Playing Styles That Rely on the Triplet Feel. 
Chapter 11: Making It Funky: Playing Hardcore Bass Grooves. 
Chapter 12: Sampling International Flavors: Bass Styles from Around the World. 
Chapter 13: Playing in Odd Meters: Not Strange, Just Not the Norm. 

Part V: Taking Care of the One You Love: TLC for Your Bass Guitar. 
Chapter 14: Changing the Strings on Your Bass Guitar. 
Chapter 15: Keeping Your Bass in Shape: Maintenance and Light Repair. 

Part VI: A Buyer’s Guide: The Where and How of Buying a Bass. 
Chapter 16: Love of a Lifetime or One-Night Stand?: Buying the Right Bass. 
Chapter 17: Getting the Right Gear for Your Bass Guitar. 

Part VII: The Part of Tens. 
Chapter 18: Ten Innovative Bassists You Should Know. 
Chapter 19: Ten Great Rhythm Sections (Bassists and Drummers). 

Part VIII: Appendixes. 
Appendix A: How to Use the CD. 
Appendix B: Really Useful Pages. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Guitar For Dummies, 2nd Edition - Ebook

Authers:  Mark Phillips, Jon Chappell 
ISBN:       978-0-7645-9904-0
Pages:      408 pages
Released: October 2005

Size :        7.62 MB

Have you always wanted to play guitar? Who wouldn't? Think of Jimi Hendrix wailing away on his Stratocaster. . . Chuck Berry duck-walking across the stage to "Johnny B. Goode". . .B.B. King making his "Lucille" cry the blues. No doubt about it—guitars are cool. 

Guitar For Dummies 2nd Edition tells you everything a beginning or intermediate guitarist needs to know: from buying a guitar to tuning it, playing it, and caring for it, this book has it all—and you don't even need to know how to read music. Full of photo-illustrated exercises and songs you can play to practice the techniques discussed in each section, this step-by-step guide will take you through the basics and beyond before you can say "Eric Clapton." You'll learn how to: 
Match yourself with the guitar and equipment that fits your needs and budget 
Select the right accessories: amps, picks, pedals, capos, cases, and other goodies 
Pick and strum to produce a clean, clear, buzz-free tone 
Know whether you're really in tune 
Play melodies without reading music 
Perform basic guitar maintenance and repairs 
Build strength and dexterity while playing 
Play in different styles, including rock, blues, folk, jazz, and classical 
Make your guitar talk with bends and slides! 

Fully revised and updated, with an all new interactive CD that allows readers to listen, learn, tune, and play along, Guitar For Dummies 2nd Edition is the perfect introductory guide for any novice acoustic or electric guitar player. 

Table Of Contents:

Part I: So You Wanna Play Guitar. 
Chapter 1: Guitar 101. 
Chapter 2: Turn On, Tune In. 
Chapter 3: Ready, Set . . . Not Yet: Developing the Tools and Skills to Play. 

Part II: So Start Playing: The Basics. 
Chapter 4: The Easiest Way to Play: Basic Major and Minor Chords. 
Chapter 5: Playing Melodies without Reading Music! 
Chapter 6: Adding Some Spice: Basic 7th Chords.

Part III: Beyond the Basics: Starting to Sound Cool. 
Chapter 7: Playing Melodies in Position and in Double-Stops. 
Chapter 8: Stretching Out: Barre Chords. 
Chapter 9: Special Articulation: Making the Guitar Talk. 

Part IV: A Cornucopia of Styles. 
Chapter 10: Rock. 
Chapter 11: Blues. 
Chapter 12: Folk. 
Chapter 13: Classical. 
Chapter 14: Jazz.. 

Part V: Purchasing and Caring for Your Guitar. 
Chapter 15: Perfectly Good Guitars. 
Chapter 16: Guitar Accessories. 
Chapter 17: Getting Strung Along: Changing Strings. 
Chapter 18: Staying Fit: Basic Maintenance and Repairs. 

Part VI: The Part of Tens. 
Chapter 19: Ten Guitarists You Should Know. 
Chapter 20: Ten Guitars You Should Know. 

Part VII: Appendixes. 
Appendix A: How to Read Music. 
Appendix B: 96 Common Chords. 
Appendix C: How to Use the CD. 

Download PDF HERE              Download CD Files HERE

Visual Basic 2008 For Dummies - Ebook

Title of ebook: Visual Basic 2008 For Dummies 
ISBN: 9780470374306
parent-ISBN: 9780470182383
Publisher: For Dummies
Download Size: 11881 kb
Pages: 360
Published: 08-2008 
Released online for download: 08-28-2008
Author of eBook: Sempf, Bill

Visual Basic is a favorite programming language, so if you’re new to programming, it’s a great place to start. Visual Basic 2008 For Dummies is the fun and easy way to begin creating applications right away while you get the hang of using the Visual Studio environment. Soon you’ll be building all sorts of useful stuff with VB 2008! 

This step-by-step guide walks you through a logical series of tasks that build your skills as you get comfortable with terminology, theory, tools, and design principles. You’ll learn how to build an application in four different architectural styles, and you’ll find out how to make your programs validate input and output, make decisions, and protect themselves from security threats. Discover how to: 
-Install the Visual Studio environment 
-Write a VB program 
-Use Web forms, Windows forms, and Web services 
-Establish good programming practices 
-Create class libraries 
-Write secure applications 
-Debug your applications 
-Work with strings and “if-then” statements 
-Iterate with counted and nested loops 
-Pass arguments and get return values 
-Access data with VB 
-Work with the file system using VB 

You’ll also find great tips for working with the VB user interface, using VB in C# programming, troubleshooting your VB programs, taking your programming to the next level, and more! Once you get your hands on Visual Basic 2008 For Dummies, you’ll be programming like a genius in no time!


Visual Basic 2005 For Dummies - Ebook

Author(s): Bill Sempf  
Publisher: Wiley
Year: Nov 2005
ISBN: 076457728X
Language: English
Pages: 362
File type: PDF

Size (for download): 5.3 MB    

Welcome to the new version of Visual Basic for 2005. As its name implies, Visual Basic is a visual way to create new programs for the Micro$oft Windows family of operating systems.

And though it is basic in many ways, the Visual Basic language is also very powerful. You can create new class libraries and XML Web services, as well as programs that you can use on your PC or your Web browser, or even your phone or PDA. Anything that can be done in Windows can be done in Visual Basic.

Programming in Visual Basic is easier than you might think, thanks to the visual tools supplied by Visual Studio. You donít have to type line after line of code to create a working program ó Visual Studio automatically generates some code for you when you drag and drop components with the visual tools. Of course, being able to read and write code is important too, and this book provides plenty of code samples so you can understand the inner workings of your programs.

This book also shows you some best practices to keep in mind as you get further along in your programming. Your first programs may be very simple, but when you start getting into more complicated applications, you really need to plan out your program before you start writing the code.


Chapter 01 - Wading into Visual Basic
Chapter 02 - Using Visual Studio 2005
Chapter 03 - Designing Applications in VB 2005
Chapter 04 - Building Windows Applications
Chapter 05 - Building Web Applications
Chapter 06 - Building Class Libraries
Chapter 07 - Building Web Services
Chapter 08 - Debugging in VB 2005
Chapter 09 - Interpreting Strings and Things
Chapter 10 - Making Decisions in Code
Chapter 11 - Getting Loopy
Chapter 12 - Reusing Code
Chapter 13 - Making Arguments, Earning Returns
Chapter 14 - Writing Secure Code
Chapter 15 - Accessing Data
Chapter 16 - Working with the File System
Chapter 17 - Accessing the Internet
Chapter 18 - Creating Images
Chapter 19 - Ten Tips for Using the VB User Interface
Chapter 20 - Ten Ideas for Taking Your Next Programming Step
Chapter 21 - Ten Resources on the Internet